Rehabilitation exercises

Exercise after wrist fracture - Beginners

Exercises focus on hand and wrist after removing plaster fixation.více

Exercise after wrist fracture - Advanced
Exercise up to the Exercises for Beginners-wrist fracture.více
Exercises on fit ball during pregnancy
It helps to cope with pregnancy and childbirth without complications.více
Exercise for the shoulder joint
Basic exercises for the recovery of mobility, flexibility, strength and stability of the shoulder joint.více
Exercising the pelvic floor muscles
The role of the pelvic floor is above all, open and re-close the urethral opening when emptying the bladder.více
Exercise for healthy feet
It is also suitable as a rehabilitation exercise after injuries in the legs after foot surgery, for the treatment and prevention of flat foot.více
Spinal exercises
Spinal exercises are active exercises, which are used essentially for breathing. Relaxes and significantly contribute to improving the state of the spine.více
Exercises for lumbar spine
Exercise for chest spine
Exercise for cervical spine
Exercise should be performed in front of a mirror, for better control of posture.více
Kaltenborn's methodology
These are exercises that are used mainly to relieve rigid sections of the spine where blockages often repeat.více

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