Exercises for lumbar spine

Initial position: lying on the back


1. Legs stretched, shrug arms in the elbow. Breath, push your elbows into the mat, stay for a few seconds, exhale, relax. Repeat 5 times.

2. Shrug your leg in knees, arms hand down. Inhale, press lumbar spine on mat, stay for a few seconds, exhale, relax. Do not lift head or stretch neck muscles. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

3. Shrug your leg in knees, hands placed on the abdomen below the navel. Inhale, exhale, pull in - stretch abdominal muscles – try to move it closer to spine, stay for a few seconds, relax. Hands freely copy the movement of the abdominal muscles. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

4. Shrug your leg in knees, arms hand down. Inhale, press buttocks strongly to each other - as if they withhold stool, stay for a few seconds, relax. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

5. Shrug your leg in knees, arms hand down. Inhale,  press the right foot to mat,  stay for a few seconds, exhale, relax. Inhale, press the left foot to mat,  stay for a few seconds, exhale, relax. Repeat 5 times, alternating each leg. Attention, the lumbar spine is still firmly fixed to the mat.

6. Shrug your leg in knees, arms hand down. Inhale, press both feet into the mat, stay for a few seconds, exhale, relax. Repeat 5 times. Attention, lumbar spine is still firmly fixed to the base. Do not bend it in this area..

7.A Shrug the legs in knees, pull them towards chest, grab tibia closer to the knee with your hands. Inhale, push your knees into the hands - hands give resistance to knees.
 B exhale, relax and slowly draw your knees to your chest as close as possible, simultaneously lift your head. Repeat 5 times 




Other exercises

Weakening of abdominal muscles leads to muscle imbalance in the waist area, so exercises aimed to strengthen abdominal muscles are an essential part of training aimed at lumbar spine.



8. Shrug the legs in knees, arms hand down, breath, lift your head and shoulders, arms stretched to the opposite side of the room, look at your strap, exhale, lift the spine from the mat, slowly, vertebra after the vertebra. Move into a sitting position  with exhale, slowly back to lying position. During the exercise, feet are pressed into the mat and inner thighs are together. Repeat 5 times.

9A Shrug the legs in knees,  hands behind the head, touch.
B Exhale, pull right elbow to the left knee. As you move your head, shoulders and leg are lifted from the ground. Return to starting position, breath. When exhale, move left elbow to right knee. Repeat 5 times, alternately on each side. 





These exercises are not a substitute for professional medical care or physical therapy. They are designed to complement your treatment for conducting exercises at home and exercises are recommended  only after the consultation with your doctor or physiotherapist.

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